
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Use of solar panel in Bangladesh

Some problem never be solved if you are not search any alternative way. Electricity problem of Bangladesh is going that way. This problem is now really standing in the last stage. We have almost one thousand seventy million populations. But we have a limited electricity supply against our huge demand that occurs anonymous load shedding in everyday. Government trying to setup new power station for meeting the growing electricity demand but it’s not enough. People are searching now about some alternative way such as IPS, solar panel etc. But comparing expense between IPS and solar panel, people are getting interest to solar panel. It works same as IPS and preserves electricity longer time than IPS. For this reason, people are getting interest to solar panel.

Some companies are now engaged with marketing of solar panel in Bangladesh and it seems that they are going to achieve a big success in view of huge market demand. The consumers of solar panel are growing rapidly. Solar panel is a long term project which will meet household electricity if load shedding occurs. So, People are thinking now about it and It seems that almost fifty percent household in Bangladesh are going to get solar panel of their own within ten or fifteen years.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

World cup 2010

 I hope, The 2010 South Africa world cup is going to be a great event. Here I am going to express my opinion about different team of 2010 world cup.

Brazil has one of the world’s best players who is Kaka and other top players such as Robinho, Lui fabiano, lucio. As usual they sailed through qualification but they do have a group of death with the Ivory Coast and Portugal. All of these team are the world’s best. But this is Brazil and they can do anything in this game.

Spain has an excellent team and has an easier world cup group. With players such as Torres, Xavi, David via they are sure to be strong participants in coming world cup. They have a good chance to win the world cup. I think they are the hot favorite among three top team in the world cup.

England seems to the best team after 1966 success. They have some world’s best player such as Gerrard, Rooney and Lampard. There is no doubt that they do have some top quality in their lineup. They have a good chance but we can’t forget England have to get real fight after group round.

Germany doesn't have any outstanding players but you never predict about this team. But this time they are in big problem by missing their top player Michel balak. Let’s see what will happen. No prediction about German, because they are fighter!

Portugal has the outstanding Christiano Ronaldo and some of other best player such as Deko but as a team I dont think they will be go so far in world cup. They have to more develop as a team.

Argentina has  new Maradona who is Lionel Messi, current world player of the year but as an Argentine player he has no mentionable success. But they have the attacking and dangerous striking lineup which is the doubtless best in this world cup with Sargio aguayera,Tevez,Higuain and Milita. They have a great chance to win third world cup after 1986. Just they have to pray for a cool Maradona!

Italy is the defending world champions who always start slowly but their team is not energetic and attacking because of some old players. Few days ago they have defated by maxico in a friendly match. There players seems to be so tired! I don’t think this team reached the final again.

France was lucky to qualify against Ireland by hand of Henry. They have beaten by china in friendly match. But let’s see with henry, rivery and some good players, how far they will go? I think they have a possibility.

Holland and Coast d Ivore has some possibility to reach the top four. But I don’t think they can go so far. In this world cup, all asian country is as usual and have no chance to reach top four or eight.

The others country will fight for crossing the group round I think. But it has some surprise almost in every world cup. We shouldn’t forget it.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

IP Telephone

What is IP telephone? Is there any similarity between IP telephone and voip? Watch the next blog for details. Its coming up..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Hawking warns contacting with aliens!!

British physicist professor Stephen Hawking has warned that aliens almost certainly exist but humans should avoid making contact with them.

He says it is perfectly rational to assume intelligent life exists in the universe, but warned that if aliens make contact with humanity, they may foward to the Earth for resources.

He compared the effects of contact to aliens with that of Native Americans when Columbus landed in the Americas.

Hawking says humans should do all they can to avoid actively trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Natural beauty of kaptai

Kaptai is one of the charming place of bangladesh which is full of natural beauty.It should be the automatic choice of people who love travel.

Practice of english language in Bangladesh.

In Bangladesh, you generally not find any people's who speaking each other in english. Its a rare case. People afraid of speaking english as their regular conversation because they afraid if they cant speak english accruately then others may be laugh with him.Most of the educated people are good in their english writing but not good in their speaking. Thats only because of practice. If we speak english as our regular conversation,it will be transform to our habit. If you will be habitual in speaking english then you also be able to fluent english conversation. Bengali is our mother language and we should use it all over in our country but we should remember also that english is an interantional language and english uses as main language in most of the international conversation.So we should start practice of speaking english from today. You start first.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

পহেলা বৈশাখে বাংরেজীর ব্যবহার !!

বাংলা আর ইংরেজী মিলিয়ে কেউ যদি কথা বলেন আমি সেই ভাষাকে বলি বাংরেজী। এটা শুধু মাত্র কৌতুক অথবা মজা করেই বলা । কিন্তুু ভাষা কোন কৌতুকের বিষয় নয়,তা যে ভাষা হোক না কেন । বায়ান্নর সেই রক্তঝরা দিন আর ভাষা শহীদদের রক্তে অর্জিত আমাদের এই বাংলা ভাষা, আমাদের প্রানের ভাষা। আমরা মনে প্রাণে বাঙ্গালী তাই বাঙ্গালীর চিরায়ত ঐতিহ্য গুলো সব সময় ধরে রাখতে সচেষ্ট থাকি।এজন্যই প্রতি বছর বাংলা নববর্ষ শুরুর দিনটিতে আমরা উৎসবের আমেজে থাকি , মহা ধুমধামে ,পান্তা- ইলিশ সহযোগে পালন করি বাঙ্গালীর প্রাণের উৎসব বৈশাখী উৎসব।

এবার আসা যাক পহেলা বৈশাখে বাংরেজীর ব্যবহার প্রসঙ্গে। আমরা অনেকেই এবার পহেলা বৈশাখ উপলক্ষে ঢাকার বিভিন্ন স্থানে অনুষ্ঠিত কনসার্ট গুলো উপভোগ করেছি। উপভোগ করেছি মনমাতানো বাংলা ব্যান্ড, দেশাতœবোধক,ফোক, রক ঘরানার সব বাংলা গান। আনন্দ উৎসবে ,উপভোগে উম্মাতাল দর্শকরা অনেকেই হয়তো খেয়াল করেননি গানের ফাঁকে ফাঁকে শিল্পীদের বাংলা এবং ইংরেজী মিশ্রিত বাক্যের ব্যবহার কিংবা লাইভ অনুষ্ঠানের ফাঁকে ফাঁকে দর্শক স্বাক্ষাত কারে বিভিন্ন দর্শকের বাংরেজী কথন। কয়েকটা উদাহরন দিচ্ছি যেমন, আই লাভ ইউ অল,হেভি ফান,থ্যান্কস টু......., আমি খুব ইনজয় করছি কিংবা অমুকের গান শুনেছি এখন অমুক এর জন্য ্ওয়েট করছি। আহ্, বিচিত্র এই দেশ, সত্যিই আজব !! এই কনসার্ট, এই উৎসব ,এই আনন্দ বিনোদন আমরা কিসের জন্য করছি ? অবশ্যই হাজার বছরের বাঙ্গালী ঐতিহ্যকে ধরে রাখতে ,বাংলা নবর্বষ কে সত্যিকারের বাঙ্গালী হয়ে বরন করতে । অন্তত এই দিনে আমরা একশতভাগ শুদ্ধ বাংলা ভাষায় প্রাণ খুলে কথা বলতে পারি ,তাই না? কেন আমরা বৈশাখের প্রথম প্রহ্ের শতভাগ বাঙ্গালী আবেগ নিয়ে ইলিশ সহযোগে পান্তাভাত খেতে খেতে অতি আবেগী হয়ে বলে ফেলি “হোয়াট এ টেষ্ট”!এই ভূল আমরা আর করবো না।

আসুন এই নববর্ষেই আমরা সবাই প্রতিজ্ঞা করি আগামী পহেলা বৈশাখ বরণের দিনে আমরা উপভোগ করব শতভাগ বাংলা ভাষা ব্যবহারের এক সত্যিকারের বাঙ্গালী উৎসব।

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bangladesh share market & small investors.

The overall status of Bangladesh share market is good. A huge number of small investors are coming in share market. It’s a good sign for market, because the market is expanding by this way. Institutional investors also feel interest for big invest. It’s a positive sign for market. But it has a negative side also. Most of the People, who invested in share market in last one year, have a very poor idea about Bangladesh share market. They just invested by hearing rumor, friends or neighbor suggestions or information. Sometime they can make profit with this rumor or information but most of the time they have faced loss. Investors, who make their investment by this way, are easily affected by rumor and starting their sale with fear that causes a market fall. For a steady and good share market it’s very important to gain investor confidence and awareness. Secondary share market is not a place of short time investment. But most of our investor often forgets these rules. They want always shortime profit. But always profit is not possible. We should remember it. Investors also have to remember that if they want to get success in this market they have to follow some basic rules. Investment never made by rumor, it’s should always followed by company’s details information, previous and current financial and business condition, earning per share and profit earnings ratio and off course present market scenario.

Posted by.. Mithun

.... Watch next blog for more information.

Monday, April 19, 2010

I want to be proud as a Bangladeshi...

From the beginning of our country we have already passed 38 years as an independent country in the world. But it’s a matter of great sorrow that we are running as like as a tortoise. Most of the country in the world stayed at same level once a day. But in last two decades those countries have already crossed us to the journey of develop. Look at Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and dictator ruled Myanmar also. They are moving to development as supersonic speed. Once a time Bangladesh and those countries was same level. How it was possible? We have a huge number of population, natural resources. Why we were not able to transform our population problem to manpower? Why we were not able to proper use our natural resources? Bangladesh is called an agriculture-based country. But we have to import rice from other country! Isn’t it terrific!! We have almost finished our reserved natural gas. But once a time most of our expert and respective government official said that Bangladesh has so much reserve of natural gas and we can easily use this gas till 2050. What a joke!! We are losing our manpower market in different country but we have no aggressive initiative from our side. Just think why we are going behind where most of the countries like us are going ahead. Because from the beginning of our country we have not found any government who truly believe in patriotism, who truly love country. If they loved country, if they thought about development of country instead of their personal development then Bangladesh already been a developed country. If we all truly love our country, success must be ours. We want development, we want success, and we want to introduce ourselves in rest of the world as a Bangladeshi. We want to be proud as a Bangladeshi.